Tuesday, November 30, 2010

हामीले राष्ट्रियताका लागि जान्नै पर्ने कुरा
सन् १९२३ को नेपालब्रिटेन सन्धि

Hamro Greater Nepal
नेपालब्रिटेनबीच सन् १९२३ मा भएको सन्धिमा ब्रिटेनले नेपाललाई एउटा स्वतन्त्र सार्वभौमसत्ता सम्पन्न राष्ट्रका रुपमा मान्यता प्रदान गरेको सुगौली सन्धिको समयदेखि सन् १८५७ मा भारतमा भएको सिपाही विद्रोह अगाडिसम्म ब्रिटिश भारतले नेपालमाथि पूर्ण विश्वास गरेको थिएन नेपालीहरुमा सुगौली सन्धिमा गुमेको भूभाग फिर्ता गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने मानसिकता त्यसबखतसम्म पनि समाप्त भएको थिएन मौका पर्नासाथ  यो विषय फेरि उठ्न सक्छ भन्ने ब्रिटिशहरुलाई लागी नै रहेको थियो सन् १८५७ मा भारतमा भएको सिपाही विद्रोहलाई दमन गर्न जंगबहादुर राणाले गरेको सैनिक कारबाहीको सफलताले अंग्रेजहरु नेपालसँग खुशी भएका थिए पश्चिम तराई फिर्ता (सन् नोभेम्बर १८६०) हुनु यसको उदाहरण हो
ब्रिटेनी सरकार नेपाली सरकारबीच डिसेम्बर १८१५ मा सुगौली सन्धि भएदेखि अहिलेसम्म शान्ति मैत्री रहेकाले तथा सो मितिदेखि नेपाली सरकारले ब्रिटेनी सरकारप्रति सधैं यथार्थ मैत्री देखाएकाले तथा ब्रिटेनी सरकारले लगातार आफ्नो सदिच्छा नेपाली सरकारतर्फ देखाएकाले तथा दुवै देशका सरकारहरु आफ्नाबीच एक शताब्दीभन्दा बढी समयदेखि रहिआएको सुसम्बन्धलाई अझ सबल सुदृढ पार्न इच्छुक भएकाले यी दुवै अनुसन्धानकारी पक्षले नयाँ मैत्री सन्धि सम्पन्न गर्ने विचार गरी निम्न धाराहरुमा स्वीकृति जनाएका छन्
धारा महान् ब्रिटेनी तथा नेपाली सरकारबीच अनन्त शान्ति मैत्री हुनेछ दुवै सरकारहरु आन्तरिक तथा बाह्य दुवै प्रकारका एक अर्काका स्वतन्त्रता पारस्परिक रुपमा स्वीकार तथा सम्मान गर्न सहमत छन्
धारा दुवै देशबीच भएका सम्पूर्ण पहिलेका सन्धि, सहमति तथा दायित्वपत्रहरु १८१५ को सुगौलीको सन्धिसमेतलाई वर्तमान सन्धिले परिवर्तन गरेकोमा बाहेक पुष्टि गरिएको
धारा साझा सिमाना जोडिएका छिमेकी राज्यहरुसँग शान्ति मैत्रीपूर्ण सम्बन्ध दुवै राज्यका लागि सुरक्षित राख्ने कुरा दुवै अनुसन्धानकारी पक्षका हितमा भएकाले उनीहरु अबदेखि यस्ता राज्यहरुसँग भएको मतभिन्नता तथा भ्रमबाट आपसी मैत्री सम्बन्धमा आघात पु¥याउन सक्ने कुनै पनि कुरा एक अर्कालाई जानकारी गराउन तथा यस्ता मतभिन्नता भ्रम झिक्न पनि आफ्ना मध्यस्थरताबाट कार्य गर्न सहमत छन्
धारा प्रत्येक अनुसन्धानकारी पक्षले आफ्नो इलाका अर्को पक्षको सुरक्षाका उद्देश्यविपरित उपयोग हुनबाट पूर्व रोक गर्न आफूले व्यवहारिक ठानेका सबै उपाय लिनेछन्
धारा ब्रिटेनी सरकार तथा नेपाली सरकार बीच रहँदै आएको दीर्घकालका मैत्रीलाई दृष्टि दिंदै तथा यी दुवै देशबीच हार्दिक छिमेकीबापत सम्बन्धका लागि ब्रिटेनी सरकार नेपाली सरकारलाई ब्रिटेनी भारतबाट तथा मार्फत् अस्त्र, बारुद, यन्त्र, युद्धजन्य सामग्री अथवा भण्डार आफ्ना शक्ति तथा कल्याणका लागि चाहिने अथवा इच्छा गरिने कुरा ल्याउन÷दिन सहमत छन् तथा यो व्यवस्था ब्रिटेनी सरकारले नेपाली सरकारको इच्छा मैत्रीपूर्ण तथा भारत वर्षलाई यसबाट कुनै तात्कालिन खतरा छैन भन्ने कुरामा सन्तुष्ट भएसम्म यो सहमति लागू हुनेछ नेपाली सरकार यस्तो अस्त्र, बारुद इत्यादी नेपाल सरकारले अथवा कुनै व्यक्तिले सीमापारि निर्यात गर्ने छैन भनी सहमत तर अस्त्र व्यापार नियमित गर्ने कुनै कन्भेन्सनको ब्रिटेनी सरकार पक्ष भएपछि लागू भएमा अस्त्र बारुद नेपाली सरकारले आयात गर्न पाउने अधिकार नेपाली सरकार पनि यस्तो कन्भेन्सनको पक्ष हुनुपर्ने तथा यस्तो आयात त्यस्तो कन्भेन्सनको व्यवस्थाअन्तर्गत मात्र हुने गरी लागू हुनेछ
धारा –() नेपाली सरकारले आयात गरेका वस्तुहरुमा भारत वर्षका जहाजविश्राममा दुवै सरकारले समय समयमा निर्धारण गरेका अधिकारीले सही गरेका तथा यस्ता वस्तुहरु नेपाली सरकारलाई चाहिएका छन् तथा यस्ता वस्तुहरु सरकारी एकाधिरित्व अथवा राज्यीय व्यापारका लागि होइनन् भनी खुलाएको तथा यी वस्तुहरु नेपाली सरकारकै आज्ञाअनुसार नेपालमा पठाइँदै छन् भनी खुलाएको प्रमाणपत्र प्रस्तुत गरेपछि कुनै पनि भन्सार शुल्क लगाइनेछैन
() ब्रिटेनी भारतीय जहाजविश्राममा लगत्तै काठमाडौं पठाउन आएका सबै वस्तुहरुका लागि दुवै सरकारका बीच यस्ता वस्तुहरु प्रवेश जहाजविश्राममा भन्सारको हेरचाहमा समय समयमा निर्धारण गरेका नियमानुसार अंशबन्डा गर्न सक्ने गरी ल्याइनेछन् भनी रीत पु¥याएमा त्यस्ता सबै वस्तुहरु सिंगै मार्गगत हुँदा पूर्ण शुल्क तिरेको सहुलियत दिन पनि सहमत यस्तो सहुलियत यस्ता वस्तुहरु भन्सारछाप नतोडिकन केही नभईकन काठमाडौं आइपुगेका छन् भनी प्रमाणपत्र प्रस्तुत गरेपछि दाबी गर्न पाइनेछ
धारा यो सन्धि ब्रिटेनी सरकारका तर्फबाट लिउट्नेन्ट कलनेल डब्लु.एफ.टी..कनर, सी.आई.एफ.सी.भी.., नेपाली दरबारका लागि ब्रिटेनी दूत तथा नेपाली सरकारका तर्फबाट जनरल अधिराजकुमार महाराजा सर चन्द्रशमशेर, जंगबहादुर राणा, जी.सी.बी., जी.सी.एस.आई., जी.सी.एम.जी.जी.सी.भी..डी.सी.आई, थोङ्गलीपिम्माकोकाङवाङस्यान, नेपालका प्रधानमन्त्री तथा मार्शलले सही गरेपछि अनुमोदन गरिनेछ यथाशीघ्र अनुमोदन काठमाडौंमा साटासाट गरिनेछन् काठमाडौंमा डिसेम्बरको २१ औं दिन १९२३ आनोडोमिनी अर्थात् विक्रम् सम्वत् १९८० को पुसको छैठौं दिन सही गरी छाप लगाइएका हुन्

Friday, November 26, 2010

सुगौली सन्धिले

नेपाल र इस्ट–इन्डिया कम्पनीबीच सन् १८१६ मा भएको सुगौली सन्धिले नेपालको पूवी सिमा मेची नदी कायम हुन गई मेची र टिस्टाबिचको पहाडी तथा तराई प्रदेश कम्पनीको अधीनमा गयो । नेपाल र कम्पनी सरकारबीच लडाइँ हुँदा अंग्रेजहरुले नेपालको अधीनमा रहेको सो भूभाग दिने भनी सिक्किमलाई वचन दिएका हुँदा मेची र टिस्टाबिचको समस्त पर्वतीय प्रदेश सिक्किमप्रति राजालाई हस्तान्तरण गरिदिए । उक्त कुरा सन् १८१७ फेब्रुअरी १० तारिखमा इस्ट–इन्डिया कम्पनी र सिक्किमबीच भएको तितलिया सन्धिको पहिलो धारामै उल्लिखित छ । त्यसपछि ७ अप्रिल १८१७ मा इस्ट–इन्डिया कम्पनीले मेची नदीपूर्व र महानदी बीचको समस्त तल्लो भूमि (तराई) एक सनदमार्फत् सिक्किमलाई प्रदान ग¥यो । यसको १८ वर्षपछि सन् १८३५ फेब्रुअरी १ तारिखमा सिक्किमप्रति राजाले ठूलो रंगीत नदीदेखि दक्षिण, बालासन, कहैल, सानो रंगीत नदीदेखि पूर्व तथा रङ्नो र महानदी नदीदेखि पश्चिमतर्फको समस्त भूमि इस्ट इन्डिया कम्पनीलाई उपहार दिए । वास्तवमा सिक्किमपति राजा चुंगफोदले बाध्य भएर यो क्षेत्र अंग्रेजलाई सुम्पेका थिए भन्ने कुरा ऐतिहासिक घटनाक्रमले देखाउँछ । नेपाल र सिक्किमबीच मेची नदी कुन हो भन्ने विवाद हुँदा यसको निरीक्षण गर्न अंग्रेजहरु मेची र सिद्धी नदीको शिरसम्म गएका थिए । त्यहाँबाट फर्कदा ती अंग्रेज अधिकृतले सुन्दर र स्वास्थ्यप्रद दार्जीलिङ क्षेत्र देखेपछि कम्पनी सरकारको अधिनमा यो क्षेत्र हुनुपर्छ भनी गवर्नर जनरल वेन्टिङलाई लिखित रुपमा सिफारिस गरे । अंग्रेज सरकारले ग्रान्टको सिफारिसअनुसार जसरी भए पनि यो क्षेत्र हात पार्ने दाउ ग¥यो र “साहेबहरुलाई त्यहाँ बसी स्वास्थ्यलाभ गर्न सुविधा होस् भनी मित्रताका नाताले गर्भनर जनरललाई दार्जीलिङ उपहारस्वरुप प्रदान गर्छु” भन्ने लालमोहर सिक्किमपति राजा चुंगफोदबाट लियो ।

सिक्किम महाराजाका प्रजा र अधिकारीहरुले गरेको लुटपाट र दुव्र्यवहारका साथै महाराजाको सोप्रतिको बेवास्ताले गर्दा बेलायत सरकार तथा सिक्किम सरकारबीच वर्षौंदेखि कायम रहिआएको सामञ्जस्य छिन्नभिन्न भएका कारण अन्ततः बेलायती सेनाले सिक्किमउपर आक्रमण गरेर विजय हासिल गरेको र तत्पश्चात् महाराजाले आफ्नो प्रजा र अधिकारीहरुले गरेको गल्ती अनुभूत गरी बेलायतसमक्ष खेद प्रकट गर्दै बेलायत र सिक्किमबिचको असमझदारी हटाउन र बेलायतसँग पुनः मैत्रीपूर्ण सम्बन्ध गाँस्न आफू सत्तामा रहुन्जेल प्रयासरत रहने प्रतिबद्धता जाहेर गर्नु भएपछि दुवै पक्षबिच सम्पन्न भएको सम्झौता निम्नबमोजिम छ ः
१.बेलायत र सिक्किम सरकारबीच सम्पन्न सम्पूर्ण पूर्वसन्धिहरु अब औपचारिक रुपमा खारेज गरिएका छन् ।
२.बेलायती सेना अधीनस्थ सम्पूर्ण सिक्किमी भूभाग सिक्किमी महाराजलाई पुनः फिर्ता गरिन्छ र अबउप्रान्त दुवै राष्ट्रबीच शान्ति र सद्भाव कायम गरिनेछ ।
३.यस सन्धिमा हस्ताक्षर भएको १ महिनाको अवधिमा रिन्चिङपुङमा संचालित बेलायती सेनाद्धारा परित्यक्त सम्पूर्ण सार्वजनिक सम्पत्ति महाराजालाई फर्काइनेछ ।
४.सिक्किमको केही भूभात कब्जा गर्ने क्रममा सन् १८६० मा ब्रिटिश सरकारद्धारा भएको खर्च सिक्किम सरकारले तिर्ने विषयमा तथा सिक्किमका जनताले बेलायतका जनताको अपहरण र लुटपाट गरेबापत सिक्किम सरकारले दार्जीलिङस्थित बेलायतका अधिकारीहरुलाई क्षतिपूर्तिस्वरुप किस्तामा रु ७ हजार रकम बुझाउने सहमति जनाएको छ ।


काठमाडौँ, कात्तिक ३० - १६ औँ एसियन गेम्स अन्तर्गत आज नेपाली महिला क्रिकेट टोलीले हङकङलाई आठ विकेटले पराजित गर्दै उपाधिको आशा कायमै राखेको छ। पहिलो खेलमा शनिबार जापानसित १० विकेटले पराजित भएपछि नेपाललाई आजको खेल जित्‍न जरुरी थियो।
हङकङसँगको विजयपछि अब नेपालले फेरि जापानसँग बुधबार खेल्नेछ। यो खेलको विजयी टिमले पाकिस्तानसँग बिहीबार खेल्नेछ।
टस जितेर ब्याटिङ रोजेको हङकङलाई नेपालले निर्धारित २० ओभरमा ९ विकेटको क्षतिमा ७२ रनमा सीमित पारेको थियो।

जवाफी ब्याटिङमा उत्रिएको नेपालकी नेरी थापाले २५ बलमा चार चौका हान्दै सर्वाधिक २७ रन बनाइन्



A Death Heavier than the Himalayas!

[Homage to Comrade Madan Bhandari. From Liberation, June 1993.]

n the early hours of 17 May when I was in Patna, several comrades came rushing to me to draw my attention to the small report in Patna papers about a jeep accident in Nepal involving Comrade Madan Bhandari and Comrade Jeevraj Ashrit. On enquiring over the phone, we learnt Comrade Bhandari’s body was yet to be located. With lots of apprehension and little hope, I left for Varanasi.
But the message received on 19th dashed all hopes and, leaving my meeting behind, I flew to Kathmandu on 20th noon. The CPN(UML) leadership briefed me about the mysterious circumstances of the accident in the airport lounge itself and from there I went straight to Dashrath Rangashala to pay my last respects to the remains of the two great leaders of the contemporary communist movement of Nepal. Streams of people kept on visiting the place all day and night with tears in their eyes. I also visited the two grief-stricken families.
Just a few months back, I had gone to Kathmandu to attend the Congress of CPN(UML). By the time I left, the Congress was in its concluding phase and despite his obvious preoccupation with the Congress deliberations he came to see me off at the airport. That was my last meeting with him. I had never thought of visiting Kathmandu in such a short period and on such an occasion.
Earlier, after his being elected the General Secretary of CPN(UML) we had a long discussion in Patna for several days. We had another chance to meet in Delhi for a few days when he invited me to have the next round of discussions in Nepal. Relations between our two parties date back to the late ’70s and we had regularly been conducting central-level discussions. Ours has been an ideal fraternal relation where we exchanged our views and experiences on various matters without ever interfering in each other’s affairs. Our two parties evolved more or less on the same pattern, and in some respects of mass work their Party did precede ours.
Com.Bhandari personally came to our Calcutta Party Congress and also addressed the mass rally after the Congress. In his speech in our Party Congress he nicely put forth the necessity of bringing the Party’s role to full play and concluded by saying that we have been friends through hard days and shall remain friends forever. He was quite right.
He became quite popular with our comrades during his stay in Calcutta. In his demise, our Party has lost a great internationalist friend.
I found him a man imbued with self-confidence and a noble sense of dignity and honour.
The day before I left Nepal after attending the CPN(UML) Congress, he came to me with a newspaper in hand which carried the report of an Indian communist leader’s advice on the Tanakpur issue. He was quite agitated to see such blatant interference in his party’s internal matter. All these memories of a friendly face, of a bold and dignified personality kept haunting me through the night of 20th May.
The funeral procession was scheduled for the next day, the 1st of May. As the government of Nepal had decided to extend national honour to the departed leaders, a military band offered salute to the dead bodies and led the procession. In my life, I have never seen a funeral procession of such magnitude with unending waves of people from all walks of life surging from all sides to have a last glimpse of their leaders. It appeared as though the entire Kathmandu city had come out on the streets. Controlling this human sea was an uphill task and volunteers forming a human chain had a tough time regulating the surging waves of the masses.
Thousands and thousands of people lined the two sides of the entire route of the procession and there was not even an inch of space left on the rooftops and balconies of the roadside buildings from where women showered flowers and sprinkled water over the procession. It took the procession nearly four hours to reach the cremation ground. Comrade Emil from the Communist Party of the Philippines, Comrade Surjeet from the CPI(M), Comrade Farooqi from CPI, myself as well as leaders from the Nepal party followed the procession in a truck. Com.Emil and myself had come prepared to march on foot but according to the arrangement, we too had to board the truck. Emil was all along protesting this arrangement and eventually we decided to get down from the truck after informing Com.Madhav Nepal. We covered the last leg of our journey on foot marching with the processionists.
In my short speech at the cremation site, I pointed out that few years ago when Nepal was passing through a great historical turning point, the communist movement needed a theoretician who could integrate the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete conditions of Nepal; the democratic movement of Nepal demanded a leader who could fearlessly uphold the banner of consistent democracy; and the Nepalese nation wanted national figures who could boldly champion the national interests and aspirations of Nepal. In Comrade Madan Bhandari, all the three requirements found a unified answer and herein lay his unique contribution. I paid homage to the fallen comrades and expressed my heartfelt sympathies to their bereaved families on behalf of our Party.
Finally the pyre was lit and the flames started reducing the mortal remains of the two leaders to ashes, the ashes that were now to be distributed to different parts of Nepal. I stood then in silence, lost in my memories when someone reminded me "It’s all over, comrade!" On our way back, the Filipino comrade told me about similar funeral processions he had watched back home -- the processions of Aquinas and one of their TU leaders. We discussed how Chris Hani and Madan Bhandari have proved in their death that communism remains the most popular ideology for the downtrodden people of the world.
When in his speech at our Calcutta rally, Comrade Bhandari had accused the Indian press of blacking out and distorting their news, many of our Comrades felt that he should have, preferably, refrained from criticising the press. Soon I was astonished to see the Indian press just ignore the historic party congress of CPN(UML). And now we have seen the height of self-censorship when the Indian press chose to maintain a total silence on the biggest ever funeral-procession in Nepal. I don’t know whether the Indian press is prompted by anti-communist prejudices or by hatred for a man who stood for his country’s interests against Indian ambitions, but l can now appreciate Bhandari’s outburst against the Indian press.
The journey of Comrade Bhandari has come to an end. But it symbolises the beginning of a new journey for his Party, the CPN(UML) and I am confident that the Party will overcome the shock and turn it into strength in the coming days, dashing the fond hopes of its detractors. The unanimous election of the new General Secretary, Comrade Madhav Nepal, is a pointer to that.

म्यान्मारकी प्रजातन्त्रवादी नेतृ सु ची रिहा

यङगुन, कात्तिक २७ - म्यानमारका सैनिक शासकले प्रजातन्त्रवादी नेतृ आङ साङ सू चीलाई रिहा गरेका छन् । सुरक्षाकर्मीले याङ्गुनस्थित घरमा  कायम राखेको नजरवन्द हटाएको छ नोबेल शान्ति पुरस्कार विजेता सू चीको पछिल्लो २१ वर्ष मध्य १५ वर्ष जेलमा वित्यो।  सू चीका वकिलले जनाए अनुसार राजनीतिक गतिविधिमा नियन्त्रण गर्ने कुनै पनि सर्तमा रिहा नहुने अडान उनले राखेकी थिइन। यसअघि छोटो समयका लागि रिहा हुँदा समेत उनको विभिन्न स्वतन्त्रतामाथि बन्देज लगाउने काम भएको थियो । सैनिक शासकले राजनीति छाड्नका लागि दवाव दिँदै आएका थिए। 

कांग्रेस-तमलोपा भिडन्त, १२ घाइते

गौशाला, कात्तिक ३०- गएराति महोत्तरीको सोनौला गाविसमा नेपाली कांग्रेस र तराई मधेस लोकतान्त्रिक पार्टीका कार्यकर्ताबीच झडप हुँदा १२ जना घाइते भएका छन्। घाइतेमध्ये विजयकुमार यादवको अवस्था गम्भीर छ। उनलाई उपचारका लागि अञ्चल अस्पताल जनकपुर पठाइएको छ
स्थानीय जनजागृति क्लबका तमलोपा समर्थित कार्यकर्ताले भोलि सोनौलमा राष्ट्रिय अध्यक्ष महन्थ ठाकुरको कार्यकर्ता भेटघाटमा कार्यक्रमको लागि गेट निर्माण गरिरहेको भेला नेपाली काँग्रेस समर्थित ज्ञानदर्शन क्लबका कार्यकर्ताले सो गेट भत्काई दिएपछि दोहोरो झडप भएको बताइएको छ।

झडपमा काँग्रेस र तमलोपा दुवै तर्फका कार्यकर्ता घाइते भएको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयले जनाएको छ। अहिले त्यहाँको स्थिति सामान्य भइसकेको प्रहरी उपरीक्षक सन्जयराज शर्माले बताए। रास


Poems of Mahakabi Laxmi Prasad Devkota

Laxmi Prasad Devkota - Mahakavi
(Poet, Novelist, Essayist, Playwright)

Born: Bikram Sambat 1966
Died: Bikram Sambat 2016
Famous works: Muna Madan, Sakuntal, etc.
Poems: Yatri, Garib, Marga, etc.
Essay collection: Laxmi Nibandha Sangraha, etc.

Born on the festival of the Goddess of wealth "Laxmi Puja" and so named as a present from the Goddess Laxmi, Laxmi Prasad Devkota turned out to be wealthier in knowledge and wisdom rather than in money and riches. His works are filled with the love and belief in human goodness. His numerous poems, classics, essays and dramas are portrayed with feelings of nationalism, romanticism, and his belief in humanity. Laxmi Prasad could write anywhere and everywhere. No other Nepali writer has been able to produce as many poems as Mahakavi Laxmi Prasad Devkota. But perhaps his greatest possession was his heart as it said that he would give out all he had to the poor and needy although he himself was not doing very good economically. Laxmi Prasad was even given the post of Minister of Education a year before his death, but he gave this up for his love of the Nepali literature. They say that if his works had been translated into English he might have received the Nobel Prize for literature.

Some of his poems are posted below-

Title: Crazy
Written by: - Laxmi Prasad Devkota.
Translated by: - David Rubin
David Rubin. Nepali Visions, Nepali Dreams.
1980 Columbia University Press.
Library of Congress catalog: PK2598.D37A27.
ISBN 0-231-05014-3


Oh yes, friend! I'm crazy-
that's just the way I am.
I see sounds,
I hear sights,
I taste smells,
I touch not heaven but things from the underworld,
things people do not believe exist,
whose shapes the world does not suspect.
Stones I see as flowers
lying water-smoothed by the water's edge,
rocks of tender forms
in the moonlight
when the heavenly sorceress smiles at me,
putting out leaves, softening, glistening,
throbbing, they rise up like mute maniacs,
like flowers, a kind of moon-bird's flowers.
I talk to them the way they talk to me,
a language, friend,
that can't be written or printed or spoken,
can't be understood, can't be heard.
Their language comes in ripples to the moonlit Ganges banks,
ripple by ripple-
oh yes, friend! I'm crazy-
that's just the way I am.
You're clever, quick with words,
your exact equations are right forever and ever.
But in my arithmetic, take one from one-
and there's still one left.
You get along with five senses,
I with a sixth.
You have a brain, friend,
I have a heart.
A rose is just a rose to you-
to me it's Helen and Padmini.
You are forceful prose
I liquid verse.
When you freeze I melt,
When you're clear I get muddled
and then it works the other way around.
Your world is solid,
mine vapor,
yours coarse, mine subtle.
You think a stone reality;
harsh cruelty is real for you.
I try to catch a dream,
the way you grasp the rounded truth of cold, sweet coin.
I have the sharpness of the thorn,
you of gold and diamonds.
You think the hills are mute-
I call them eloquent.
Oh yes, friend!
I'm free in my inebriation-
that's just the way I am.
In the cold of the month of Magh
I sat
warming to the first white heat of the star.
the world called me drifty.
When they saw me staring blankly for seven days
after I came back from the burning ghats
they said I was a spook.
When I saw the first marks of the snows of time
in a beautiful woman's hair
I wept for three days.
When the Buddha touched my soul
they said I was raving.
They called me a lunatic because I danced
when I heard the first spring cuckoo.
One dead-quite moon night
breathless I leapt to my feet,
filled with the pain of destruction.
On that occasion the fools
put me in the stocks,
One day I sang with the storm-
the wise men
sent me off to Ranchi.
Realizing that same day I myself would die
I stretched out on my bed.
A friend came along and pinched me hard
and said, Hey, madman,
your flesh isn't dead yet!
For years these things went on.
I'm crazy, friend-
that's just the way I am.
I called the Navab's wine blood,
the painted whore a corpse,
and the king a pauper.
I attacked Alexander with insults,
and denounced the so-called great souls.
The lowly I have raised on the bridge of praise
to the seventh heaven.
Your learned pandit is my great fool,
your heaven my hell,
your gold my iron,
friend! Your piety my sin.
Where you see yourself as brilliant
I find you a dolt.
Your rise, friend-my decline.
That's the way our values are mixed up,
Your whole world is a hair to me.
Oh yes, friend, I'm moonstruck through and through-
That's just the way I am.
I see the blind man as the people's guide,
the ascetic in his cave a deserter;
those who act in the theater of lies
I see as dark buffoons.
Those who fail I find successful,
and progress only backsliding.
am I squint-eyed,
Or just crazy?
Friend, I'm crazy.
Look at the withered tongues of shameless leaders,
The dance of the whores
At breaking the backbone on the people's rights.
When the sparrow-headed newsprint spreads its black lies
In a web of falsehood
To challenge Reason-the hero in myself-
My cheeks turn red, friend,
red as molten coal.
When simple people drink dark poison with their ears
Thinking it nectar-
and right before my eyes, friend!-
then every hair on my body stands up stiff
as the Gorgon's serpent hair-
every hair on me maddened!
When I see the tiger daring to eat the deer, friend,
or the big fish the little,
then into my rotten bones there comes
the terrible strength of the soul of Dadhichi
and tries to speak, friend,
like the stormy day crashing down from heaven with the lightning.
When man regards a man
as not a man, friend,
then my teeth grind together, all thirty-two,
top and bottom jaws,
like the teeth of Bhimasena.
And then
red with rage my eyeballs rool
round and round, with one sweep
like a lashing flame
taking in this inhuman human world.
My organs leap out of theirs frames-
uproar! Uproar!
my breathing becomes a storm,
my face distorted, my brain on fire, friend!
with a fire like those that burn beneath the sea,
like the fire that devours the forests,
frenzied, friend!
as one who would swallow the wide world raw.
Oh yes, my friend,
the beautiful chakora am I,
destroyer of the ugly,
both tender and cruel,
the bird that steals the heaven's fire,
child of the tempest,
spew of the insane volcano,
terror incarnate.
Oh yes, friend,
my brain is whirling, whirling-
that's just the way I am.


Title: Muna Madan
by Laxmi Prasad Devkota
adaptation by Pallav Ranjan
copyright of this English version held by Pallav Ranjan
All rights reserved

a fire burns in my mind.
Don't leave, my life,
don't leave.
Brightness of eyes,
my star of night,
don't take your light.
Tear open this chest of mine
perhaps the pictures
in my heart,
when you see them,
will change your mind.
Give me poison
to drink instead.
See? My pain
falls with my tears,
but tears do not speak,
thoughts stay within the mind.
Love, even my tears
fail to speak.
Darling Muna,
don't speak like this,
I will be returning.
For twenty days
I will stay in Lhasa,
I will travel twenty days
on the road.
Smile at me,
for if you would smile
I could raise myself
to Lord Indra's Heaven.
My intentions
are to achieve or to die,
do not put a barrier of tears
upon my roads.
The cranes return
with the sun.
It will be a great day,
the day of our meeting.
My Rama, my Krishna:
the sun at night,
smiles as you prepare your flight,
how shall I combine these?
Don't leave me here.
I sparkle beside you,
without you I am stone.
Take me with you,
hold my hands,
we will face jungles,
mountains, cliffs,
and murderers.
Muna, my Muna,
look at mother, look at her,
the oil that feeds that lamp
is about to dry.
Both of us can't leave her,
stay, care for her.
Her eyes that have seen
three twenty winters
shine as she looks
upon your face.
Pale hair, brittle body,
a mother's love
could not tie your feet.
Shadows of her affection call
but cannot hold you back.
What will you gain
in that land
as precious as her love?
Bags of gold,
they are the dirt of hands,
the soup of nettles,
our vegetables,
a peace in mind
are better. Stay,
satisfy your thoughts.
But what do I do?
- a gulp of milk
for my mother's throat,
- her dreams to build a resthouse
and taps for her people,
- on your delicate hands
pretty bangles,
- a strong foundation for a home
made insecure by loans
these wishes sing in my mind,
their voices are in my mind.
The music moves my feet Muna.
There is God above
and I have a heart.
I will cross those angry floods.
I mean well, but if things go wrong,
at least I will have died
with a song.
You tighten the knot
inside my heart.
Do not return then,
I will draw an unforgettable
picture of your face
for remembrance.
The maidens of Lhasa dance,
they seem as if they are carved of gold,
their voices laugh like the streams
as they play on barren hills and fields.
Leave, my love,
darkening the home and the city,
even tears do not have strength.
Maybe in darkness,
memories will gleam
or flash like lightning.
And sorrow shower
upon my clothes.
[Narrator, describing Madan's journey]
Naked earth, cloud mists,
climbs are hot, flowers poison,
poles with flags are death.
There, see monasteries
and Lamas with shaven heads.
One day the roof of gold
against the skies
beneath the Potala Palace,
Lhasa smiled.
Yak skin walls,
angels on cloth.
Young Bhotenis white as bones,
passers by bowing
before gurus with sunken eyes.
[Narrator, describing Muna at home]
Pearls fell. Pearls fell
when Muna smiled.
But now she wilts.
In sleep, tears wet her face,
her days are long,
her nights are long,
her time is sad.
In her voice, hear,
there is a soft tearful drizzle.
After the end of light,
even a flickering lamp is bright.
Women came with stories,
men showed they cared,
When you see a rose, brother,
do not touch it.
Do not with lust, spoil it.
A wondrous being
is a jewel of God
do not try and corrupt it.
Go to the worms of the city
and tell them your words.
Make the moon fall,
make mountains rise,
I will wait for his feet
and my Heaven,
God has created
four beautiful days,
that is life,
don't throw mud
to spoil them.
[Narrator, describing Madan's journey]
Smooth pebble gold,
new country, fresh light,
the smell of musk.
Madan stayed, six months passed
before memories came like water:
ill mother, Muna's eyes large with weeping.
At night he was unable to sleep.
Hiding a heavy bag of gold in clothes,
gathering the musk,
he met up with a few friends
and left for home.
What a nightmare!
A buffalo dragged me down!
I fell in mud, mother,
the darkest buffalo dragged me down.
[Madan's mother]
Come, darling,
don't shiver with fear,
I will take all the ill
that comes to you
upon my head,
don't shake.
My eyelids quiver,
my heart is pain,
a shadow of evil
has come into our home.
Perhaps he has no time,
perhaps he hopes to come soon,
paths lead through high mountains
maybe this is why he has not come.
Madan falls ill with cholera on the road home.
Don't leave! Don't leave me
to the crows and vultures!
My friends, I will not die yet.
I will stand,
my throat is dry,
my chest is burning,
wipe these tears from my eyes,
I still have breath.
[Madan's companions]
We have no medication
and no one's here.
Stay! Each of us
has to leave someday,
God will give you salvation.
Madan wakes and leans on his elbows,
his friends have left, the day drowns in red,
wind sleeps, birds are quiet, it is cold, he falls.
What is this fire?
Does the forest burn?
Is this fire going to kill the dead?
Is it a robber or a thief?
Is it a demon?
Madan decides to call for help.
Who cries?�
Your friends are bad.
My house is some miles away,
you will not die. I will carry you there,
you'll be all right.
Tibetan brother, you are a god,
your words are wonderful.
I have been told,
I am a man of lineage
and noble caste.
I hold your feet with respect, brother,
I am holding your feet.
A man's greatness
is determined by his heart
not by the caste
and the lineage he brings.
The Tibetan carries him to his house, rests him on wool, gives him water and kindness, searches for herbs, crushes them, and makes him drink. He gives Madan yak milk and makes him strong. At Madan's home tangerines are in flower, thoughts are soft and sad.
You have forgotten me.
Tell me, how could you forget?
Which hateful god took you?
I cannot see, hills are covered by curtains.
The image I see of you is empty.
Your voice is tells me stories of happiness
in my sleep. I have no wings to fly with.
I cannot search for my love.
Why have you left our wealth
and stayed in that city.
Are you ill? Do your eyes fill up with tears
when you think of me?
Dust don't touch, thorn don't hurt.
Madan wants to thank the Tibetan by giving him some of his gold, but the Tibetan refuses material rewards.
What will I do with yellow gold?
My children can neither eat this gold
nor will it give them warmth.
My wife is dead, she is in Heaven,
the clouds are her decoration,
her jewels and gold.
Madan weeps.
Chance blessed and I have helped.
I will not barter goodness for wealth.
Ask you mother, if you will,
to pray for my children.
Madan's mother sees a clear face
and calls, the air responds,
the breeze touches her.
No tears in eyes, only a peace
a softness of the evening
reflected on that pond.
She reaches out to Muna.
[Madan's mother]
My darling, it is time to leave,
to cross the river, don't weep.
Everyone walks this way,
the rich and those who suffer poverty.
Earth has to meet the earth.
This flood of unhappiness,
stand against it, do not fall.
I saw the world flower,
I saw it wilt,
and I have known God.
The seeds we plant here
will grow in Heaven.
What you have given, love,
you will get back
when you leave this place.
Look at me, I take all
I have done with me.
The gold that you found in sleep,
I will take with me.
I want to leave now,
but is Madan not coming?
I want to see him before
shutting my eyes to this world
in case I die before I see him, tell him,
the old woman asked him not to weep.
I will clean and shine
the memories of you with tears,
mother, don't worry,
nothing has happened yet.
Madan's mother begins to shake,
her voice fades,
she feels for Muna's hands at times
and when she holds them,
she asks in a faraway voice,
"Where is my son?"
A great wind shakes the branches,
a crow screams, travelers stare at the peaks.
Madan's head is on his palms,
his arms rest upon his knees,
the crow screams.
Madan looks at the crow.
Did you see my city?
My house is clean in that valley.
Go to my mother, she has white hair,
go to Muna, she is bright.
Tell them that I am well,
tell them not to worry about me,
trees on the lawn must be ripe with fruit,
go, eat, and tell them my story.
There is strange screaming in the city tonight.
wet eyes, dimmed lamps, strong winds,
dogs cry, no moon.
Rumor of Madan's death
has reached home.
See tears drip from leaves
and a young broken tree.
The old woman's breath struggles.
Muna has fallen.
Why did I come, mother?
What did I come to see?
My mother, you have torn my chest.
Look at my face, mother, look at me.
I have come. I have sinned. Look at me.
Why do you look afar when I am close,
look at me. See me cry. Comfort me.
Don't leave, come back,
don't you recognize me?
I could not even
take care of you mother.
What is this peace
that has spread across your face,
speak to me. How could I hurt
that gentle heart of yours
I have brought bags of gold, mother,
I put them at your feet,
we will make the resthouse
and the taps, mother,
where you point.
Come back, don't look there,
don't point towards the skies.
Madan goes to his sister when he cannot find Muna.
Tell me, sister, tell me, where is my Muna?
My mother is dying, but I do not see her.
[Madan's sister]
Your Muna went to her parents in sorrow,
when you left and did not come back.
She left my mother alone?
How could she leave her alone when I was gone?
[Madan's sister]
Muna went away from us
when she was ill herself.
She shone like a diamond
among the daughters,
she left because she was unwell.
How is Muna, who has been to see her?
She must ask for water,
who has given my Muna water to drink?
[Madan's sister]
She does not need water, she is cured and healed,
she does not need your herbs.
And my love, I would have met her
but I could not find a road to take me
to her parents' home.
If she is healed why hasn't she returned,
why hasn't she come back?
[Madan's sister]
She searches for roads but there are no roads
to lead her back from her parents' home.
This is strange, what do you mean?
[Madan's sister]
She is over the clouds,
in that city heavy with light.
My sister, tell me Muna is here.
Tell me she is upon this earth.
Tell me when she will be back.
[Madan's sister]
She lives across the river.
On the other side.
But she laughs with the flowers,
dances with water,
blinks with the stars,
speaks with the blackbird,
and her eyes, they shine.
She weeps with the dew
and when she is sad,
you will see the mist sinking.
My brother, Muna is not dead,
the birds have made songs of her,
hear them sing.
Muna isn't dead, tell me she lives.
Tell me she is at her parents' home.
The roots of my hopes,
the wings of my mind,
tell me Muna is here.
Tell me when she will be back!
[Madan's sister]
She is not here, on this side of earth.
She lives where sorrow does not stain.
Across imagination
she picks flowers of happiness
in the gardens of Heavens.
Cruel sister. Your words are death.
Letting the buds of hope open, bloom
and sway before my eyes. Making ears
swallow gulps of poison.
Muna, O Muna, you were the temple of worship
and the chains of life.
Life, why did you leave?
My sister, let me look upon my Muna
call her, sister, let me see her for a little while.
O Muna, my Muna, come down to me,
my queen, let me gaze upon you for a little time.
[Madan's sister]
My brother, my dear brother, take heart,
this dirty life has to leave.
In the end, the wind will take the fistful of ashes,
this blossom of meat has to fall and wilt.
My sister, remember, "My chest wants to explode,"
she said. "What will we do with gold?"
"It is better to eat nettles and satisfy our souls," she said.
God, how could you create her
and then ruin what you have made.
How could you make this flower
and then drag her down like this?
You gave me this flower,
how could you destroy her like this?
My sister, when I first saw her,
when I first saw Muna's face
I never thought that Muna could die,
sister, I thought she would never die.
How could the fire take her?
Where can I find her,
hold her to my chest?
Give me her ashes, sister,
I want to rub her ashes on my chest.
Mother, Muna, I will not stay here.
I will not stay here sister,
I will not stay.
Do not look upon this earth Muna
I am also coming.
With token of tears,
with the jewels of love
that you left behind.

The Grass Cutter
by Laxmi Prasad Devkota

A tired young man,
his head on a pillow of rock,
sleeps underneath a tree.
A grass cutter sharpens his blade
near him leisurely.
A sweet song of the forest
steals into a gentle dream.
A heart flies towards Heaven
from the clear world of the living.

Wakening, the bright youth asks,
"What are you doing grass cutter?"
He replies smiling,
"Well, we all will go our way,
every person alone.
There is no one in my heart
for whom to tire my fingers.
So I sell this grass and collect money
to build a rest house and a tap for my people.
If we do not sow, how will anything grow?
And how long will we play with toys?

The sickle dances
and the grass cutter continues,
halting, collecting moments
as if they are bright jewels.
"This forest belongs to the gods
and this is a ripe field to be cut.
I reap my fruit and pay rent to the earth.
This life is two days of sun and shade,
so I give to the gods
the rest house and the watering place."

Magnetized, the youth stares at him.
It is as if lightning flashed.
Leaves rustle and forest birds
fly into the darkness of the trees.
"Oh", from somewhere a thin sound,
"The worth of this grass cutter's life."

The person who slept in the forest
is shaken awake, he is shaken awake.
His eyes are moist,
his breasts rise and fall,
two tear drops fall upon the rock.
The tear drops from a caring heart
make the forest's colors strange
and writing on the stone like pure waves
sing beautifully like the birds
of the forest,
the home,
and of the cage.

Surroundings drink the elixir of immortality
and the hills hum among themselves.
Cool floods, and shades of happiness,
heat and thirst are gone today.
O wonderful star of Saturn,
O these first sounds of Nepal.
May such grass cutters fill the grounds
beneath the skies of my Nepal.
This language, strange and endearing,
welcome like the broken voice of a child.
Shy syllables, these first tender sounds,
simple, transparent, and filled with light.

O birthday of my people's language,
come down! come down to this earth again!
It has been many days since you left
and this whole country has become thirsty again.
What a wonderful past!
Why would the smells not be gentle?
Why would the world not be bright?

This is the last poem of Mahakavi Luxmi Prasad Devkota. This was written by him in "bramhanal".

rahechha sansaar nisa samaan,
aayena jiudai rahadaa ti gyaan.

aarati ra krishna rahecha ek,
na bhakti bho na bho gyan bibek.

sansaar aafno sabai nai gumaaye,
ma sunya ma sunya sari bilaaye.
'Make Me a Sheep, O God!'
(in translation) 

Let me not jump to the void like a sage.
Or with an artificial imagination.
Let me not create distorted magic of variegated colors out of magic less truth.
Let me not become a Brahmin to live on dirty water washing away other's sin.

* * *

Let me not reform to expose the world.
Let me not patch up the old and tattered things.
Let me lit the light of life,
Like the simple, beautiful, and unbeautiful light of nature,
When dying
Let me reach higher up than the sage.

Laxmi Prasad Devkota


धर्मेन्द्रका गितहरुको संगालो उद्गार बजारमा

गितकार धर्मेन्द्र खड्काले कतारको दोहामा बसी रचना गरेका गितहरुलाई एल्बमको रुप दिँदै राज प्रोडक्सनले धर्मेन्द्रका गितहरुको संगालो उद्गार बजारमा ल्याएको छ । यहि मंसिर ४ गते राज प्रोडक्सनले उक्त उद्गार एल्बमको विमोचन प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठानका कुलपती बैरागी काइलाबाट गराएको छ । उक्त कार्यक्रममा बरिष्ठ संगितकार टिका भण्डारी, त्रिभुवन युनिभरसिटी करीकुलम डेभलपमेन्ट का निर्देशक केशव श्रेष्ठ, गायक संघका अध्यक्ष तथा गायक रामकृष्ण ढकाल, बरिष्ठ गितकार तथा समालोचक रमण घिमिरे लगायतको प्रमुख आतित्य रहेको थियो । उक्त कार्यक्रममा प्रमुख अतिथि तथा अतिथीहरुले खाडीको बर्बर भुमिमा बसेर पनि भाभुक गितहरुको रचना गर्ने गितकार धर्मेन्द्रको सबैले खुलेर तारिफ मात्रै गरेनन् उनलाई नायकको पनि संज्ञा दिए । कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्ने क्रममा गितकार धर्मेन्द्रले सुझाव सल्लाह दिने सबैलाई धन्यवाद दिँदै आगमी दिनमा पनि संगीत क्षेत्रमा लागि रहने प्रण गरे र उक्त एल्बमबाट आएको पैसा धुलाबारी क्याम्पसलाई हस्तान्तरण गर्ने कुरा सार्वजनिक गरे उहाँको उक्त कुराले कायृक्रम तालिले गढगढाहट भएको थियो । हेरौ अबः आउने दिनमा उहाँले संगीत क्षेत्रलाई र उहाँले प्रण गर्नु भएको धुलाबारी क्याम्पसलाई सहयोग गर्ने कुरा कतिको लागु गर्नु हुन्छ ? सबैको चासोको विषय बनेको  छ ।

धीरज राईको उत्कृष्ट तीन

१. नेताः अब्राहम लिंकन, महात्मा गान्धी, मार्टिन लुथर किङ।

२. उद्योगपतिः बिल गेट्स , मुकेश अम्बानी, वसन्त चौधरी।
३. ऐतिहासिक पात्र : बुद्ध, अरनिको, भृकुटी।
४. फिल्म निर्देशक : जेम्स क्यामरन, ओलिभर स्टोन, स्टिभन स्पिलबर्ग। 
५. साहित्यकारः हेरियट बिचर स्टोय, जोनाथन स्विफ्ट, सिल्भिया प्लाथ। 

६. मिस नेपालः माल्भिका सुब्बा, झरना बज्राचार्य, रुबी राणा। 
७. खेलाडीः संगीना वैद्य, थानेश्वर राई, बैकुण्ठ मानन्धर। 
८. हिरोः अल पाचिनो, राजेश हमाल, ब्राड पिट। 
९. हिरोइनः जुलिया रोबर्ट्स, एन्जलिना जोली, डेमी मुर। 
१०. भगवानः बुद्ध, महादेव, ब्रम्हा। 
११. गायकः ओमविक्रम विष्ट, बच्चु कैलाश, माइकल ज्याक्सन। 
१२. नारी व्यक्तित्वः मदर टेरेसा, पारिजात, झाँसी की रानी। 
१३. संगीतकारः गोपाल योन्जन, बिटल्स, माइकल ज्याक्सन। 
१४. गायिकाः अरूणा लामा, सुक्मित गुरूङ, रिहाना। 
१५. पौराणिक पात्रः भीष्म, कृष्ण, अर्जुन। 
१६. सुपरहिरो : सुपरम्यान, ब्याटम्यान, स्पाइडरम्यान। 
१७. गीतकारः भूपि शेरचन, गोपाल योन्जन, सरुभक्त। 
१८. म्युजिक ब्यान्डः द हिमालयन्स, दि डोर्स्, स्कोर्पियन। 
१९. आध्यात्मिक गुरुः रामदेव, ओशो, साइबाबा। 
२०. वैज्ञानिकः अल्बर्ट आइन्स्टाइन, थोमस एडिसन, म्याडम क्युरी